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oh i love them all! especially blueberry pixels and vanilla hankie! super cute designs!


Too cute! Blueberry pixels would be my pick :)


Love them all but especially Vanilla Hankie. Would you pretty please also consider adding your designs to "Spoonflower"?

I would totally LOVE to buy these in fabric form!


Hi Marina! That sounds great! Would love to do fabrics too! Do you know how Spoonflower works? I've never bought anything from there before? :)

Barb S

I love Blueberry Pixels! My iphone case is getting a bit dingy and this would be an awesome upgrade! Thanks.

Anastasia Marie

I love the blueberry pixels one!

Anastasia Marie

Shared this on Twitter! @anastasiamika


I love Vanilla Hankie!!! I will share this on twitter too! @LOLyssa25

Nanna Lima

I loooved Tangerine Tetris
i'll share on pinterest Nanna Lima


Love your patterns! Vanilla Hankie is my favorite. Shared it on Pinterest! http://pinterest.com/pin/208502657720348259/


Hi there, I commented earlier about Spoonflower.

I'm not an expert but from what I've read you can create an account for free and upload your designs there. You have the option of keeping your designs private and ordering products yourself or making them available to the Spoonflower shop for anyone to buy. Here is the start page:


You can make designs available for fabric, wallpaper, decals etc.

Marina :) :)

Jennifer Breedlove

I love the Vanilla Hankie print iphone case!! That one is my favorite!!

Camille Solis

Shared on Twitter!



These are so cute. I particularly love the blueberry pixels!

Courtney Robertson

I'm obsessed with everything! SO CUTE!

Shared on Pinterest



I love the orange and the light blue, but any of the woul make me happy!!!

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